Become A Friend

Page-Headers-06WILL YOU JOIN US?

Support your library by joining the newly reinstated Friends of the Dougherty County Public Library (FODCPL).  As a Friend you’ll have the opportunity to add to library services with funds, energy, and time.  FODCPL is on a mission to create an awareness of the library and its functions, promote knowledge of its needs, develop public support for increased library service and foster a public relations program.

The Friends of the Dougherty County Public Library is a non-profit volunteer organization that provides the support needed to help maintain a vibrant and modern library system. Through various fund raising efforts, including used book sales, the Friends help by sponsoring library programs, advocacy, volunteerism, and funding library needs not covered by the local budget.

Being a friend costs little but the return is great! To join the Friends of the Library, pick up a membership form at the library or print one out here.


  • You’ll meet like-minded people who welcome your energy, creativity and passion for libraries
  • Joining is a way for you to thank your Library
  • Whether it’s volunteering at our book sale, helping with a fundraiser or serving on the Friends of the Library Board you will have a chance to make an impact in your community

  • Purchase equipment and supplies
  • Advocates on behalf of the library
  • Host book sales
  • Generate funding through grants, donations and fundraising activities